Website Development

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The Right Features

If you are about to redo or planning to develop a website, let us help you do it right. Moreover, website development is an integrated process that includes a specific approach for developing a website as it combines the achievement of business goals with customer’s needs

  • Increase leads and conversions
  • Establish brand authority
  • Reach your target audience
  • Sharpen your competitive edge

Web Design Services

No matter how powerful, your website design will fail to have the desired effect if it isn’t effectively executed or developed. To avoid the hitches, let Kleza’s team of professionals take you on this journey, the right way.

Websites are designed to generate revenue, manage clients and avail mandatory information about the organization. Consequently, at Kleza, we offer end-to-end website solutions that may assist businesses in establishing a robust online presence. Our happy clients for web design and development projects attest to our ability and comprehension of various business needs.

We are more than happy to offer you CMS, responsive and custom website



CMS Web Development

Website design that goes beyond brochure ware! 

Content management systems, or CMS, are widely used by designers to create websites as it allows developers to generate a tailored outcome as per requirements.  Large amounts of data may be managed on these websites, and design work can be done quickly. Our web developers are diligent in their work and meet the needs of our clients. Our team works with CMS web development platforms such as WordPress, and Shopify to design extraordinary user interfaces. 

 Kleza offers CMS professionals who can provide speedier solutions and call to action strategies which engage users and convert them. Clients can benefit from having any information made simple to publish, change, and control, we make all online information and material as effective as possible. As our team has worked on WordPress and Shopify platforms to provide functional Web CMS solutions. 

Responsive Web

As we are frequently moving towards digitalization, responsive web designing is a common feature. Nowadays, building websites solely for desktop is no longer sufficient as the web is accessible everywhere, on any device, whether at home, at work, or on the go. 

Responsive web development is all about offering users seamless web experience and developing optimized pages that looks great on all devices. Therefore, Kleza builds device independent websites, which would be adaptable to computers, tablets, and smartphones.  

 We have a team of highly skilled developers who work on the website to make it more user-friendly and SEO-ready. Therefore, we assure you to develop responsive website for your organization to maximize your sales potential and create a funnel. 

Web Development

Custom Web Application
Development Services

Custom Web Application
Development Services

It’s time when you can turn your idea into an “App”!  

These days custom web application development offers users’ convenient way of shopping, getting information, booking services and carrying out important tasks’ arrays. The chief among them is the fact that they are designed to adapt to any OS. Consequently, it offers companies to provide unique functionality to their clients.  

Our skilled web developers offer a wide range of browser-based solutions, from simple applications to complex B2B portals. Kleza’s custom web application development team has the expertise, competence, experience, and creativity to provide revenue-generating outcomes to clients worldwide with custom website creation services.  

We not only ensure transparent management of the project with maximum deadline adherence but also provide highly cost-effective and best of breed services along with no last-minute surprises! 

Our Clients