Want to Rank Higher on Google in 2024? Follow our 10 Tips Now

Want to Rank Higher on Google in 2024? Follow our 10 Tips Now

Google was founded over 25 years ago and despite various search engines in the market, it is still considered the best search engine worldwide. It dominates all other search engines with 81% of the market share. Hence, ranking higher on Google decides between the success and failure of your online business. It is crucial to rank on the first page, as 91.5% of the users don’t even go to the next page while searching. As easy as it sounds, appearing on the first page of Google requires consistent effort, strategic optimization, and adaptation. Google has a constantly changing algorithm that demands staying on top of it. Hence, we present 10 simple and practical tips to rank higher on Google in 2024. Follow these tips to boost your website’s visibility, attract more organic traffic, and ultimately rank on the first page.

Why is it important to Rank Higher on Google?

Google is the top search engine with 8.5 billion searches every day! When we search for something on Google, it gives results within the blink of an eye. These results aren’t just random results, they are shown after considering over 200 ranking factors of Google. This is why customers trust the page that appears on the first page of Google.

Additionally, a top position on Google SERP (Search Engine Result Page) enhances the visibility of your website. This visibility leads to more organic traffic as users tend to click on the first few results that appear on Google. Therefore, improving your website to rank high on SERPs, increases engagement and attracts more potential customers.

Best Tips to Rank Higher on Google in 2024


Best Tips to Rank Higher on Google in 2024

Despite the ever-changing algorithm of Google, it’s simple to identify what works for your online business and what doesn’t. We have gathered some of the best tips to help you easily rank higher on Google in 2024:

Understand your audience

A business exists because of its audience! To rank higher on Google, understanding your audience plays a key role. When you tailor your website according to the audience, the business automatically grows.

Some of the best ways to know your audience are:

  • Conduct data analysis
  • Perform surveys
  • Keep checking what works for the audience
  • Actively seek feedback
  • Do user testing
  • Know the demographics of the audience

Perform Excellent Keyword Research

If you aim to rank higher on Google, then keyword research is your best friend. Keywords make it easier for your website to be visible to the audience. By investing time and effort into comprehensive keyword research, you lay the foundation for a search engine optimization (SEO) strategy that can significantly impact your website’s visibility and overall online success.

For an effective keyword research, follow these tips:

  • Use keyword tools: Various online tools, such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs, help to discover relevant keywords. These tools provide insights into search volume, competition, and variations of keywords, to make informed decisions and rank higher on Google.
  • Add Long-Tail Keywords: Include more long-tail keywords in your content i.e. more detailed phrases to rank higher on Google. They may have lower search volumes, but they often bring in more targeted and qualified traffic.
  • Perform Competitor Analysis: Analyz the keywords your competitors are targeting. This can give valuable insights and help you identify gaps in your own strategy.
  • Follow Search Intent: Consider the intent or goal behind specific keywords – are your users searching for information, looking to make a purchase, or seeking reviews? Tailor your content to match the intent behind the keywords.
  • Do Regular Updates: Google algorithm is ever-evolving, and so are search trends. Regularly update your list of keywords to ensure they align with the current search behaviour of your audience.

Don’t compromise on Quality content

One of the key factors to rank higher on Google is high-quality content. Ensure that your website has the best quality content because Google identifies user-friendly content and then crawls it higher on the SERPs. It always gives first preference to original content that isn’t plagiarized. Even though AI like ChatGPT can help to generate content but ranking on Google requires something unique that sets you apart from others.

To ensure your content is user-friendly, keep these points in mind:

  • Relevance: Relate your content directly related to the user’s query.
  • Quality: Write well-structured and well-formatted content.
  • Readability: Keep it simple! Make your content understandable for a wide audience.
  • Engaging Headlines: Use short and relevant headlines that capture the user’s attention.
  • Regular Content Updates: Keep your content fresh by updating it regularly.

Do On-Page SEO

Did you ever think how does a page automatically show up on Google when you type a keyword? The answer is “On-page SEO”! Doing On-Page SEO is the art of optimizing a website’s content to align with search engines and enhance visibility.

Mastering on-page SEO involves strategic placement of keywords, creating compelling meta tags, optimizing images, and ensuring a seamless user experience. The step-wise process of doing on-page SEO to rank higher on Google is:

  • Title Tag Optimization: Create a unique title tag for each page. Plus, add the primary keyword in the beginning.
  • Meta Description: Write a concise meta description with the target keyword.
  • Header Tags: Use H1 for the main title and follow with H2, H3 for subheadings.
  • URL Structure: Create SEO-friendly URLs, include the target keyword if possible.
  • Keyword Placement: Place the primary keyword strategically throughout the content.
  • Internal Linking: Add links to other service pages within your website.
  • External Linking: Add links to authoritative and authentic external sources.
  • Page Loading Speed: Optimize images and code to load fasters.
  • Analytics and Monitoring: Monitor performance with tools like Google Search Console.

Perform Technical SEO

Technical SEO focuses on the infrastructure of your website to rank higher on Google. It is responsible for organic traffic as it improves the visibility of your site in search engines. Here are some of the key steps to enhance technical SEO:

  • Improve website speed
  • Ensure faster loading time of web pages
  • Submit sitemap to Google
  • Have a logical site structure for both users and search engines
  • Implement canonical tags to avoid duplicate content issues
  • Secure your website with SSL (Secure Socket Layer) for safe browsing
  • Customize 404 error pages for a better user experience
  • Integrate Google Analytics and other analytics tools to monitor website performance
  • Conduct regular technical audits to fix any issues affecting SEO performance.

Incorporate Multimedia

It’s 2024 and in this fast-paced era, people barely have the time to read the content on your website. This is where exactly multimedia comes into play! It includes images or videos that make content more attractive and visually appealing. Not only does it make your website more engaging but it also helps to attract more customers. Some of the best ways to incorporate multimedia are:

  • Use high-quality images
  • Include more infographics
  • Implement a mix of graphics and illustrations
  • Create short, compelling videos
  • Incorporate creative elements like quizzes and games
  • Create interactive videos or images
  • Integrate GIFs to add a touch of humor

Include Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are the foundation of your website and one of the major factors to rank higher on Google. They help to get organic traffic and improve site authority. However, getting quality backlinks on a regular basis can be a daunting task. But with these simple steps, you can build quality backlinks much more easily:

  • Guest Blogging: Write articles for well-known websites in your field. Put a link to your website in the author’s bio or the content, making sure it helps the reader.
  • Broken Link Building: Find broken links on other websites within your industry. Contact the person who owns the website, tell them about the broken link, and recommend replacing it with your website link.
  • Build Relationships with experts: Build connections with other bloggers, influencers, and industry experts. This can lead to organic backlinks as people are more likely to link to content from those they know and trust.
  • Social Media Promotion: Share your content regularly on various social media platforms. While social media may not directly impact rankings, it can attract attention and lead to organic backlinks.
  • Internal Linking: Create a strong internal linking structure within your website. This not only helps with user navigation but also distributes authority throughout your site to rank higher on Google..
  • Skyscraper Technique: Identify highly-ranking content in your niche and create a more improved version. Contact websites that are linking to that highly-ranking content and suggest they replace it with your improved version.
  • Resource Pages: Identify websites that have resource pages related to your content. Reach out and suggest adding your site as a valuable resource.
  • Monitor Your Competitors: Keep an eye on your competitors’ backlink profiles. If they have acquired backlinks from reputable sources, explore ways to get similar links for your site.
  • Dofollow backlinks: These are hyperlinks that tell search engines that your website is trustworthy. Use Dofollow backlinks to pass on “link juice”,and make your site more visible in search results.

Create Mobile-friendly website

In this digital age, everyone is constantly on their mobile phones. Hence, a mobile-friendly website is a necessity for your business to rank higher on Google. Google also prioritizes the websites that are optimized for mobiles. It follows mobile-first indexing for indexing and ranking websites.

Implement these SEO tips to create a mobile-friendly website:

  • Build a responsive design for all screen sizes
  • Optimize content according to mobile sizes
  • Optimize images to load faster
  • Simplify website navigation (Add easy to tap buttons)
  • Avoid using tiny fonts that may be unreadable on smaller screens
  • Keep meta tags concise, relevant, and engaging
  • Regularly test the website’s mobile usability
  • Ensure that your website is optimized for Google’s mobile-first indexing

Improve page speed

If your website is slow then your business will be left behind. In the rapidly-evolving world of the internet, speed can’t be overlooked to rank higher on Google. It values websites that load quickly because users prefer a seamless experience. Slow-loading pages can drive visitors away and negatively impact your rankings. To improve your page speed:

  • Optimize images: Compress images to reduce file sizes but recheck the quality.
  • Minimize code: Clean up unnecessary code and use efficient coding practices.
  • Enable browser caching: Allow browsers to store data, so returning visitors experience faster load times.
  • Reduce server response time: Optimize your server to respond quickly to user requests.
  • Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Distribute your content across servers globally for faster loading times worldwide.
  • Minimize redirects: Too many redirects can slow down your website, so use them judiciously.
  • Optimize CSS and JavaScript: Streamline your stylesheets and scripts for faster loading.
  • Prioritize above-the-fold content: Ensure that the essential parts of your page load first.

Perform Schema Markup

Schema Markup is like a language that helps search engines understand the content on your website better. By adding structured data to your pages, you provide additional context to search engines, leading to more informative search results for users. Here are some important features about Schema Markup:

  • Rich snippets: Schema Markup can enable rich snippets that enhance your search results with additional information like star ratings, images, and more.
  • Improved visibility: Schema Markup can make your website stand out in search results, as it increases click-through rates. This ultimately helps you rank higher on Google.
  • Various schemas: Choose relevant schemas based on your content, such as articles, products, events, and reviews.
  • Use Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool: Ensure your markup is error-free and displays correctly in search results.
  • Keep it relevant: Implement a Schema Markup that accurately reflects the content on the page, providing value to both users and search engines.

Note: Strategies that work today may not yield the same results tomorrow due to evolving algorithms and user behavior. Remember, the key to rank higher on Google, lies in constant learning and adjusting your strategies based on real-time feedback and results.


Achieving a higher ranking on Google in 2024 is essential for the success of any online business. The ever-evolving nature of Google’s algorithm requires businesses to stay proactive and adopt various strategies. The provided 10 steps offer a comprehensive guide to boost your website’s visibility, organic traffic, and achieve a higher position in search engine results. Follow these simple steps to stay ahead of the curve and reach your goals easily.

If your mission is to rank higher on Google, then Kleza is your go-to solution. From digital marketing to website development, we leave no stone unturned to make your business successful. Our experts analyze your goals and create strategies to boost your online presence and deliver results. So, sit back and relax while we turn your business vision into a digital success story. Kleza is where innovation meets performance, and success is not just a goal; it’s a journey.

Top 10 Proven Strategies for Effective Online Lead Generation

Top 10 Proven Strategies for Effective Online Lead Generation

Have you ever wondered how some businesses attract customers effortlessly? Well, the answer is they strongly focus on their lead generation strategies. In our digital era, almost everyone depends on the internet for a wide range of needs. From shopping for the latest fashion and ordering gourmet food to booking vacations and seeking educational resources, the internet has become our go-to solution for convenience and efficiency. 

The traditional methods of finding customers and using physical signs for advertising are becoming outdated. Moreover, in today’s fast-moving digital world, having a strong online presence is crucial for any business to thrive. Running your business without an online strategy or not keeping up with competitors is like playing chess without knowing its rules. Thus, it is essential to implement the right lead generation strategies to boost your business. However, with so many tactics available in the market, choosing the right ones can be a bit overwhelming. Don’t worry – we’ve saved you the hassle and confusion. We’ve carefully selected the top 10 easy-to-understand and effective strategies for generating leads. These strategies will guide you in attracting and engaging a wider customer base more effectively. 

What is Lead Generation? 

Lead generation is the core of every online business! It is the process of attracting customers to your business and converting them into potential clients or “Leads”. In simple words, the aim of lead generation is to attract a visitor, grab their interest, pull them into the sales funnel, and then convert their interest into a sale.  In addition to this, it involves various marketing and advertising strategies to capture the attention of a target audience. 

Process of Lead Generation

The process of generating a lead involves several stages. Here’s a general overview of the process.

Leading Generation Strategies from Kleza for Businesses 

1.  Audience Targeting 

Firstly, a visitor discovers your business through one of your marketing channels, such as your website, blogs, or social media platforms.


2.   Engagement 

Secondly, the visitor or customer becomes interested in your services or products, they click on a Call to Action (CTA) button.


3.  Information Gathering 

Subsequently, the CTA directs them to a landing page, where they find comprehensive information about the product or service.


4. Conversion 

Lastly, if the customer is still interested, they fill out a form to get your services. This causes the successful generation of a lead.


This entire process is only possible if the customer visits your website in the first place. Hence, it’s crucial to use different strategies for attracting leads. 

Top 10 Lead Generation Strategies

Lead generation is a crucial aspect of business growth. Therefore, we present some simple and effective strategies to attract customers and retain them  

Leading Generation Strategies from Kleza for Businesses

1. Content creation 

Content is definitely “The King” when it comes to lead generation. Besides, it is the first thing that users notice about your business. Almost, 76% of online marketers use the power of high-quality content to generate leads. This includes blogs, e-books, newsletters, FAQ’s and much more.  

But here’s the secret sauce: Search engines love good content too. Therefore, when your website has useful content, search engines notice that and index your website. Moreover, this drives organic traffic and makes your website appear faster on search engines. Remember to keep these points in mind before creating content: 

  • Understand your audience  
  • Write SEO-friendly content 
  • Use catchy headlines and words 
  • Offer valuable resources 
  • Maintain a consistent brand voice 

Leads are captured only when people notice you! Here are some tools to make your content search engine friendly SEMrush, Grammarly, WordStream etc. 

2. Website optimization 

If you are looking to convert random clicks on your website into potential leads, then web optimization is the answer. In fact, 94% of the website impression is created due to its design. In this fast-paced digital world, a user-friendly website is used as fuel to drive your success. And with the right optimization moves, you’ll not only capture attention but also turn those clicks into loyal customers.  

Here are some simple ways to optimize your website – 

  • Responsive Design – Ensure adaptability to different devices and screen sizes. 
  • Page Load Speed – Optimize images and code for faster load times. 
  • Call-to-Action (CTA) – Place clear and strategic CTAs for desired actions. 
  • SEO Best Practices – Implement on-page and off-page SEO strategies. 
  • Social Media Integration – Connect with social platforms for increased visibility. 
  • Regular Updates – Keep content and information current and relevant. 
  • Loading Error Handling – Create user-friendly error pages with helpful information. 
  • Accessibility – Ensure compliance with web accessibility guidelines. 

 3. Email Marketing  

Email Marketing isn’t about just sending emails; it’s about building a relationship with customers. It is the process of generating leads using email opt-in forms (friendly pop-ups that ask permission of users to receive emails). Generally, email marketing is done in the form of promotions, newsletters, sponsorships etc. According to HubSpot research, the revenue of email marketing is estimated to be 11 billion by the end of 2023.  As a result, email marketing also helps with: 

  • Brand Awareness 
  • Building relationships 
  • Educating customers 
  • Promoting discounts etc. 

4. Social Media 

Social Media is like the Gold Mine for Lead Generation. Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. help to directly connect and interact with your audience. Did you know that 90% of customers buy products from the brands they follow on social media? That is exactly how powerful social media is if used correctly. Hence, to make the best use of social media for generating revenue , follow this:

  • Target Your Customers – Understand your audience demographics and resonate with the right people. 
  • Do in-depth data analytics – Utilize robust data analytics tools to gain valuable insights into user behavior. 
  • Post variety of content – Diversify your content with a mix of images, videos and infographic posts.  
  • Showcase customer testimonials – Highlight positive experiences from satisfied customers, to build trust. 
  • Do A/B Testing – Conduct A/B testing to identify what resonates best with your audience. 

Note – There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to social media. Therefore, you need to experiment with different tactics to analyze what works best with your customers.

5. Display Ads

Display ads are like online billboards for the digital world. They are magnets for lead generation as they create brand awareness and drive huge traffic to your website.  

When you browse websites or use apps, you might see these ads popping up on the side, top, or bottom of the page. These ads are more than just pictures; they can be interactive, showing videos or animations. Advertisers use display ads to grab your attention and tell you about their products or services. 

Sometimes, these ads are based on your interests or things you’ve searched for online. Hence, advertisers use this information to show you ads that they think you might be interested in. 

Display ads can be found on various websites and social media platforms. So, the next time you see a colorful banner or a moving picture while surfing the web, you’re probably looking at a display ad! 

For result-generating display Ads: 

  • Choose websites or platforms that align with your target audience. 
  • Design visually compelling ads with clear and concise messaging. 
  • Include a strong and clear CTA in your display ads. 
  • Ensure your display ads are optimized for various devices and screen sizes. 

 6. PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an effective and targeted strategy for lead generation in digital marketing. PPC allows businesses to place ads on search engines and other platforms. With this strategy, businesses pay a fee only after their ads are clicked. Therefore, if executed thoughtfully, PPC can be a powerful tactic for attracting high-quality leads and driving conversions. 

Here are key elements to consider when using PPC for lead generation: 

  • Keyword Research – Identify and target the right keywords in Ads to appear in relevant search results. 
  • Compelling Ad Copy – Highlight unique selling points and use creative language to capture attention. 
  • Landing Page Optimization – Ensure that the landing page your ads direct users to is optimized for conversions.  
  • Budget Management – Set a realistic budget for your PPC campaign and monitor its performance regularly.  

 7. Offer Deals and Discounts

Providing special deals and discounts is a proven strategy to get new leads and retain existing ones. It’s like having a secret weapon to not only get attention but also to turn clients into happy customers. Discounts usually increase sales as they create a sense of urgency among customers. Moreover, people love to save money and they have a feeling of accomplishment after buying things at a lower price. According to the studies, 92% of customers look for a discount while buying products or services online. 

Here are some of the easy ways to implement this strategy and get the most out of it-  

  • Limited-Time Offers – Create a sense of urgency by introducing limited-time offers. This encourages customers to make a purchase sooner rather than later. 
  • Loyalty Programs – Reward loyal customers with exclusive discounts or perks. These loyalty programs retain customers and encourage them to buy from the same place. 
  • Bundle Offers – Offer a discount price when customers buy a certain number of products or services. Bundle offers can increase the average transaction value and provide added value to customers. 
  • Flash Sales – Occasionally introduce flash sales with significant discounts on selected items. Also, promote these sales through various channels to maximize their impact. 

 8. Creative Video Marketing

Videos play an important role in engaging and captivating customers. In fact, 96% of marketers consider videos as an important part of their marketing strategy. Additionally, videos help to generate more leads when compared to written content like blogs or newsletters. 

Video marketing is an amazing strategy as people enjoy watching videos. Through videos, customers don’t just read words — they experience and absorb the content. And that’s what you want when you’re trying to turn viewers into potential customers. 

Here are some strategies to leverage creative video marketing for effective lead generation: 

  • Storytelling Through Video – Engage your audience by telling a compelling story through your videos.  
  • Interactive Videos – Incorporate clickable elements, quizzes, or polls within your videos to make the viewing experience more engaging.  
  • Live Streaming – Utilize live streaming to connect with your audience in real-time.  
  • Educational Content – Share tutorials, how-to guides, or informative content related to your products or services.  
  • User-Generated Content – Encourage your customers to create and share videos featuring your products or services.  
  • Short-form Videos for social media – Create catchy, concise videos that quickly convey your message. 
  • SEO-Optimized Videos – Use relevant keywords, create descriptive titles, and add captions to make your videos more discoverable.  

9. Webinars and Online Events

Webinars have become a common lead-generation strategy due to the personal touch they offer. However, the key to a successful webinar lies in the hands of your audience. 

Imagine you’re telling a story to your friends. If they’re not interested, they might get bored and leave. The same goes for webinars. The people who join should find the topic interesting and useful. Moreover, if the webinar is about cooking and someone joined because they want to learn about painting, they won’t enjoy it. 

Therefore, here are some tips to maximize the impact of webinars for lead generation: 

  • Choose relevant and trending topics that align with your audience’s interests. 
  • Promote your webinar through various channels, including social media, email, and your website. 
  • Collect participant information during registration to build your contact list. 
  • Encourage audience interaction through Q&A sessions and polls. 
  • Follow up with attendees by providing additional resources and exclusive offers. 

So basically, webinars are like online classes where businesses and experts sell their products, and the success depends on making it interesting for the audience. 

10. Chatbots and AI-Powered Interaction

Running a business means you no longer work 9-5; it means you work 24/7. Therefore, if you have an online business, then you can’t expect people to contact you only during working hours. Customers can visit your website anytime during the day, from any place in the world and expect to find immediate response. Additionally, if your website won’t be able to give a response, then leads will immediately move to the competitor’s website. This issue can be easily solved by integrating AI with your online business. 

Implementing chatbots on your website or social media platforms can enhance user engagement and capture leads effectively. On the contrary, chatbots provide instant responses to user queries and collect relevant information for lead generation. Hence, key considerations for using chatbots include: 

  • Personalize interactions based on user behaviour and preferences 
  • Use chatbots to qualify leads by asking targeted questions 
  • Integrate chatbots with your CRM system to streamline lead management 
  • Provide options for users to leave their contact information for follow-up 
  • Continuously analyze and optimize chatbot performance based on user interactions

Choose Kleza for Effective Lead Generation

Overall generating leads online is important for a successful business in today’s digital world. The strategies mentioned above are like a guide to help businesses attract and convert potential customers into valuable leads. In addition to this, it’s important to be flexible and regularly update your lead generation strategies based on changing market trends and customer behaviours. Moreover, building and keeping meaningful connections with your audience is an ongoing process that needs dedication, creativity, and a commitment to providing real value. 

To skip the hassle of generating leads for your business choose Kleza! We use cutting-edge strategies to captivate the audience and elevate your brand to new heights. Our team of experts analyze your website and improve its visibility for generating potential leads. We go above and beyond by utilizing a variety of lead-generation strategies tailored to your unique business needs. Moreover, from creative content marketing to engaging social media campaigns, we’ve got every angle covered to capture and engage your target audience. 

Contact us today at +1 913-800-2728   and transform your dreams into reality!